Introducing the OTTOBLAD Lens Series

A re-imagining of the Zeiss Hasselblad T* C&CF series featuring the Optical Tuner (OT), designed with the team at P+S Technik.

Renowned for their superior image quality, these rehoused Hasselblad lenses with the Optical Tuner offer the ability to start with a pristine image, and adjust the field resolution to a portrait lens quality.

Using the built-in Optical Tuner is as easy as moving a dial.

By utilizing the engraved position reference numbers (0-6 and each quarter between the numbers) as well as an optional locking feature, a precise look can be achieved for in camera capture.

Lens: Ottoblad 150mm T/4
Camera: Arri LF
Open Gate: 4.5K
ISO: 800
FPS: 60
Shutter Angle: 180

Recorded in ARRIRAW

OTTOBLAD Lens Series – Lens Test

Video lens tests Courtesy of Kaity Williams

40MM T4.5

40MM T5.6

80MM T3.2

80MM T5.6

150MM T2.8

150MM 5.6

All images:

Lens: Ottoblad 100mm, T/3.5
Camera: Arri LF
Open Gate: 4.5K
ISO: 800
FPS: 23.98
Shutter Angle: 135

Recorded in ARRIRAW

OTTOBLAD lenses are a complete set with the following focal lengths, only available through Otto Nemenz.

Focal Length T-Stop Min. Focus Weight (lbs) Front Diameter
30mm 3.5 10″ 6 110mm
40mm 4.5 11″ 4.5 110mm
50mm 4.5 11.5″ 4.5 110mm
60mm 4 1′ 4.5 110mm
80mm 3.2 1′ 4″ 4 110mm
100mm 3.5 1′ 6″ 4.5 110mm
120mm 4 1′ 6″ 4.5 110mm
150mm 4 2′ 4″ 5.5 110mm

Contact us for more information about renting the Ottoblad Series Lenses.